Pelantikan OSIS | SMA Sains Wahid Hasyim

Jumat, 20 Januari 2023

Pelantikan OSIS

Congratulations to the selected student as the organization committe of Sains Al-Qur'an Senior High School :
1. ISC : Integrity Student Council

2. BiOS : Bilingual Organization Student

3. NASSA : Natural and Social Science Association

4. CORSE : Committe Of Student Research

5. STARS : Student Art Society6. Multimedia and creative

7. School and dormitory organization 

Keep up the good work to carry out the task and mandate given!

A leader isnt someone who forces others to make them stronger. A true leader is someone who willing to guide and accompany others to achieve the goals.


Author & Editor

Admin SMA Sains Al-Qur'an


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